Thursday, June 3, 2010

New ARG: Xpand - The Cerebra Group

It may seem a bit early to post this, but I figured I could just keep updating as I go along. If you like words such as "mind" "experiment" or "mkultra" like I do, read on friend. Via email:

Free Your Mind!

We here at The Cerebra Group would like to offer you the exclusive opportunity to expand you mind!
Through out innovative new Xpand program, we are helping people just like you "unlock" their full potential,
with virtually no effort at all!

With The Cerebra Group Xpand program, you can (and will):

* Sharpen your focus!
* Increase your short- and long-term memory!
* Reduce headaches!
* Enhance learning capabilities!

The Cerebra Group is looking for individuals eager to become more that they
ever thought possible.
If you are interested in taking this exciting step toward the future of the human
mind, please respond to this message with a brief bio. We'd love to get to know you!
If you are selected to be a part of our Xpand program, all necessary materials will be
sent directly to you! Hassle-free, and free of charge.

We look forward to hearing from you, and helping you reach your full potential


The Cerebra Group

Thanks to ninjaPhilanthropist for the info!

If you are interested, come check it out at unFiction!
And watch for updates here as well!

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